Virtual Office: A Solution for the New Normal

Technology is revolutionary. In mere decades, it has opened our lives in seemingly endless ways, from business and e-commerce, to community and romance.
We depend on it every day.
But for something that makes us feel connected in so many ways, there is one thing it can’t replace: human connection.
When the COVID-19 pandemic erupted last year, we embraced technology like never before. Many of us were amazed at how well we adapted to remote meetings, Zoom calls, and working from home. Kids’ education went online. We ordered grocery delivery to our homes. Virtual happy hour on Friday became routine.
Perhaps we were searching for a silver lining, but could this be the new normal everyone was talking about?
Not exactly.
After a while, the novelty wore off. We realized that virtual meetings can be effective in some situations, but there is a big component missing if you are going to have them 100% of the time. There is no way to replace an in-person meeting. Human beings are social creatures after all.
Recently at one of our work centres in Toronto, a team returned to their office once a stay-at-home order had been lifted for the area. Over the course of the lockdown, they had adapted their tech-based company to allow them to work from home. But when they hired a new employee, they discovered training someone virtually was next to impossible. It was imperative to be in the same room for the training and once they had established a rapport then working remotely was more feasible.
This is one example of how a Virtual Office could work for a team. And Workplace One has reimagined its Virtual Office model to be even more flexible for today’s times.
We've opened the conversation regarding flexibility and how important that has been as organizations transition from a work from home model back to office or to a hybrid/hub and spoke workspace model. But with most changes in life, we can't just flip a switch — there must be a gradual transition or ease into a new normal if we are even certain of what that may be in the near future. Our Solution? A Workplace One Virtual Office to keep fully-serviced options available and within arm's reach with a low cost month to month fee. A sort of "pay as you go plan" with a low monthly membership fee, with customizable and à la carte services and amenities to include as your organization and business needs see fit.

So who is a virtual office for and how can it work for you?
Scenario 1: You've always been or have made the transition to a work from home or remote work model
- allows you to maintain a professional physical address at multiple locations across downtown Toronto and a professional image/aesthetic. You can be a Toronto based business without needing to physically be in the downtown core on a day-to-day basis.
- you'll have access to our community manager to assist you with the daily practical parts of your business that you can't be bogged down with such as being on site during that elusive time window that a courier needs to deliver something. We notify you by email and you come pick it up when it works for. Have clients who need to drop important documents off and don't want them coming to your home address? Once again, they can come to our offices and leave items with our team at reception when it works on their watch and you pick up when it works on yours.
- member discounts and an easy online booking system for you to reserve a meeting room or office by the hour or day on the occasion you require space for an in-person meeting
Scenario 2: You've transitioned to a remote or hybrid work model, but you still need occasional in person collaboration space.
- all of the above
- the option of adding on a meeting room or on demand office booking credit package - starting at only $99 per month, you get even more value if you know you'll need these collaboration space consistently each month
- that meeting space is a consistent, professional location and environment that functions as your "hub" and is fully stocked with all the amenities you need (coffee, loose leaf tea, printing/copying scanning services and even some craft beer on tap for once business has been handled).
Scenario 3: You're still uncertain of what your teams needs will be while we continue to navigate an unsteady pandemic climate, but you need a base and options that can be uniquely tailored and adapted to your team's changing needs.
- all of the above
- the start of a workspace planning service and partnership with our Workplace One team by your side to help you navigate and grow within our supportive and professional community.
At Workplace One, our mantra is “we do the work that lets you get right to work” — so let us take care of the office design, service, support, health & safety, and navigation of the changing workspace climate of today. You are a professional in your business — and we’re professionals in ours.
Get in touch to find out how a Virtual Office could be the best solution for you and your team.