Member Chat: Phil Rees of Tidal Migrations

Workplace One is home base for a vast array of different businesses. But one industry that is always on the increase is tech. We see so many interesting companies out there, expanding the implementation of technology into new worlds: cloud migration; blockchain technology; automation services; and so on. One of these companies is Tidal Migrations, who are based out of our King West location. We spoke with Philip Rees who does a great job of explaining the complicated job the company he works for does for clients.
WP1: What is the 'elevator pitch' for Tidal Migrations? How do you explain it in simple terms?
PR: Tidal Migrations is a software company that provides organizations with software to help them with their cloud migration project. IT is always evolving and currently there is a transformation in organizations adopting cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, etc. Our software, offered as SaaS at, helps teams discover their resources (applications, servers, databases), analyze those resources and plan their migration over time. We provide a single pane of glass for all team members to interact with and stay up to date with the relevant information and current plan.
WP1: What is your job title and what does that entail?
PR: My role at Tidal Migrations is a Migration Hacker. I help customers tackle their migration problems and deliver solutions to solve those problems. Day to day, my job involves working with our team of engineers to write software that is running via our website. We work on creating new features based directly on feedback from customers, fixes any issues that arise.
WP1: How many people are on your team?
PR: Our team is a total of 10 people. With our engineering team being a team of 8.
WP1: What are the benefits of working out of a location like Workplace One?
PR: Working at Workplace One is great for a few reasons. Having access 24/7 access is really useful. The size of the office is amazing. Our team is able to utilize meeting rooms when needed, have and prepare lunches in the large kitchen, enjoy a beer after work in the hangout area. We wouldn't be able to have these amenities if it weren't for Workplace One. The atmosphere is great as well, talking with people who are working in completely different businesses is a great way to socialize and network.
WP1: What kinds of things do you do when you leave the office for the day?
PR: After working a day at the office, it would depend on the season of course. I usually go for a walk and take my dog to a park. If it is nice out (not -20) I will actually bike home (another Workplace One perk, showers!). In the summer we like to go up north to a cottage and relax and in the winter we try to get out of the city and do a few ski trips to Quebec or New York.