Member Chat - Danielle Griffin, AboutFace

We're chatting with Queen West member Danielle Griffin, Executive Director of AboutFace. The organization works to promote and enhance positive mental and emotional well-being of individuals with facial differences and their families. Danielle tells us about some of the great work that AboutFace does, as well as what attracted her to this role. Learn more about AboutFace via their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages.
Tell us how AboutFace makes a positive difference to the lives of those with facial differences?
AboutFace is a national charity dedicated to empowering and supporting individuals and families affected by facial differences. Living with a facial difference can be a challenging experience. People with facial differences often deal with stares, unwanted questions, and uncomfortable interactions. They can experience bullying at school, in the workplace, or just out living their daily lives. This constant negative attention can end up affecting their mental health, and can have long term implications. Through or programming and awareness campaigns, AboutFace offers support to these individuals and helps build confidence and courage.
What drives you to get out of bed in the morning?
The smell of coffee! And knowing that I get to go to work with awesome volunteers and staff who are passionate about their jobs.
Do you have any mentors or role models? Tell us about them.
I've been lucky through my career to meet many awesome individuals who have had an influence on me, how I work, and what causes I support. It'd be hard to pick just one person!
What attracted you to this role with AboutFace?
I've been working in the charitable sector for a while. When the Executive Director role recently opened up at AboutFace, I thought it was a great fit for me allowing me to use my fundraising, communications, administration, and programming skills to help build the charity and help move the cause forward.
Why Workplace One?
As a really small charity, we were keen to find a central location in Toronto which was also affordable. The Queen West location is great as it provides our volunteers and staff access to transit, keeps us in close proximity to the hospitals and is an inviting location for guests.